lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008

Como en una trinchera

Estábamos como dentro de una trinchera con M.C.
Dios mío como me fascinaba su presencia
hablábamos de nosotros
después él me dice algo que me deja ver
que para él lo nuestro no tiene la enorme importancia
que tiene para mi...
pero abre un brazo y
el espacio que me ofrece junto a él es tan agradable!
(reality is painful when I wake up)
21.09.07. M.C.

We were like in a trench with M.C.
my God, I was fascinated with his presence
we spoke about us
he says something to me that lets me see
that for him our story doesn't have the enormous importance
that it has for me
but he opens his arm and the space that he offers to me next to him is so pleasant!
(reality is painful when I wake up)
21.09.07 M.C.

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