martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

now and here

big windows, an old big wall,
P. was there
a fair friend
spiritual, detached, loving
we where lucky to be here
the road
everything was well build
it fit
there was lots of light
and pure air
where we lived was on top of some
sophisticated swiss workers digging
I knew the Chirst had passed through here...

(the unconscious is a factory)
Gilles Deleuze

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

someone generous that created situations where people could meet and share
where he didn't ask much for himself...
he was amazing, beautiful, kind...
mi padre, joven como cuando vivíamos en Argentina en verano
me quería mucho,
tal cual soy, no me quería diferente...
por qué te fuiste? por qué no te supe valorar?
hay una mujer normal sin baja autoestima, levanta a un bebé y dice "ella es un 8",
también está Nieves la buena,
salgo de mi casa que ya no es mi casa...
